Monday, December 20, 2010

Is Ice Spiker Better Than Got2b?

The bike (one of them) Il Postino Pantaleo exposed to the Tower of Greek

We do not know for sure if this is the bike that Max used for the filming (of course there is another closely guarded secret at Ostia), but the initiative is certainly laudable and worthy of reporting.
From December 9 to 22 will be received by the bike Massimo Troisi in "Il Postino" at the Institute Eugenio Torre of the Greek Pantaleo, where the actor of San Giorgio a Cremano he graduated in 1976 . After eight years of school Massimo Troisi graduated with a vote of 44/60. It was very lively and often do not follow the rules of conduct.
, the bicycle is on permanent display at the first floor of Villa Bruno at San Giorgio a Cremano, is now the entrance to the proposal of Pantaleo Headmaster Charles Ciavolino, an admirer of Massimo Troisi and accompanied by several giant posters selected by the fifth year student Maria Sequeira. Ciavolino thanked the mayor of San Giorgio a Cremano Domenico Giorgi, vice president of the Institution Hall Foundation Award Massimo Troisi "Peter Capacotta Raffaele De Martino, director of the Prize" Massimo Troisi ".
"With exposure to the public at the ITCG Pantaleo, bicycle film" Il Postino ", Massimo Troisi, and masterly interpretation of his artistic testament, the school, which saw him graduate student and surveyor, inaugurates a series Activity and events to commemorate the brilliant actor - proudly states the headteacher Ciaovolino Carlo - which was inserted in the empyrean of the greats of world cinema, from a garage where, with a group of young actors like him, has given rise the first performances. " "The Postman" was filmed in 1994 and Procida Lampedusa, Massimo Troisi for the last time he played next to Philippe Noiret and a promise of the young Italian cinema: Maria Grazia Cucinotta. He remembers with emotion the professor Carlo Ciavolino today Massimo Troisi was the same year that the Institute Pantaleo Fifty-seven, was born February 19, 1953. "With the Max-emphasizes his disarming humor Ciavolino - has always been himself, on stage as in life, even when the success has smiled. With his character Maximus does not interpret a person or a character, but a "condition", which is the suffering of the weak and whiny, social neglect and resignation. "
This first meeting with Massimo comes thirty years after his first film, which he also directed "Groundhog Day three, twenty-seven played by Troisi, Lello Arena with, Fiorenza Marche, Marco Messeri, Renato Scarpa, Laura Nucci. Awarded by the public that gives the record, held for decades, the longer this film in theaters film: six hundred days in a row. Gets the David di Donatello for Best Actor and Best Film, Silver Ribbon and the Golden Globe.
Initiatives Ciavolino recalls the Prize "Student Massimo Troisi," included in the "Meeting of the students" will be of a journey through the humor, sarcasm and irony of proposing Massimo recitatives and film with the exposure of other findings, with testimonies of fellow actors and actresses, people that were close in the short but intense journey of his life. There will be thematic studies, conferences, to better understand the art of a brilliant teacher and to better reflect the destiny of a people and a humanity in search of redemption. In mid-January is the planned press conference on this project.


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